Note From Antiquity. Watching a play by Euripides or reading poetry by Sappho is perhaps as incomplete an experience today as watching a "play" by Wagner or reading "poetry" by Stephen Sondheim would be. The scope of the book falls between antiquity to late medieval crusades.

The idea of descent from antiquity is by no means new to genealogists. Watching a play by Euripides or reading poetry by Sappho is perhaps as incomplete an experience today as watching a "play" by Wagner or reading "poetry" by Stephen Sondheim would be. This is the era of the fall of the Kingdom of Zeal , which abused the power of Lavos and sank to the bottom of the sea.
How to use antiquity in a sentence.
Antiquity is an international, peer-reviewed journal of world archaeology.
The idea of descent from antiquity is by no means new to genealogists. Antiquity definition, the quality of being ancient; ancientness: a bowl of great antiquity. Odder Than Antiquity is a Husband-Wife team based in Los Angeles selling prints of their own personal artwork.