Sic Semper Cinema. It is the sixty-seventh episode of the series overall. Es el resultado de una serie de ensayos, juegos y otras alegrÃas con la literatura y la ilustración.

It suggests that bad but just outcomes should or eventually will befall tyrants. Download and listen online Descent by Sic Semper Tyrannis. The phrase is meant to signify that tyrants will always be.
Sic became "Sis" because it's an entirely female society. "Tyranny is probably established out of no other regime than democracy […] the greatest and most savage slavery out of the extreme of freedom."… Sic Semper Tyrannis. "A Committee of Correspondence".
Latin, translation: "Thus always to tyrants", purportedly (but unlikely) uttered by Brutus at the assassination of Julius Caesar.
It suggests that bad but just outcomes should or eventually will befall tyrants. Let us know what's wrong with this preview of Sic Semper, Sic Semper, Sic Semper. Start by marking "Sic Semper, Sic Semper, Sic Semper" as Want to Read See a Problem?